
Grand Rapids, MI

Position Desired

Computer Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


To acquire a computer engineering position beginning in August 2013.

Engineering Co-op 2010 - 2012
Twisthink, Holland, MI
Co-op 3
- Developed a tool suite to validate a RFID tag reading algorithm to provide semi-autonomous navigation for warehouse lift trucks
- Validated audio recording hardware for a GPS tracking device and implemented embedded code for audio recording capability
Co-op 2
- Developed software to interface with a dynamometer, encoder and power supply to test/validate a FOC motor controller
- Developed a tool suite to validate a camera system that autonomously reads barcodes
Co-op 1
- Assisted in the design of a DC motor controller for a patient transport system
- Developed software to interface with a Bluetooth Low Energy development kit

Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Computer Engineering Expected: August 2013
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI
- GPA: 3.55
- Four-time Dean’s List recipient
- Member of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)
- Key classes
- Computer Architecture – Designed a single cycle CPU using logic gates
- Electronic Circuits – Designed a 10 Watt single channel audio amplifier with bass, treble, and volume control
- System Programming – Developed a rudimentary Linux shell which handled forking and I/O redirection operations
- Design of Microcontroller Applications – Architected a multi-threaded preemptive kernel for an ARM Cortex-M3 processor

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