Legal Resumes

Page 2 of 54 Resumes
Name Current Location Desired Location Auth? Updated
Cam Mount Vernon, NY Anywhere in New York Yes 9/19/2020
Charm Astoria, NY New York City, NY Yes 9/12/2020
Joshua Armonk, NY Anywhere in New York Yes 8/24/2020
Zeno Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA; San Diego, CA; Las Vegas, NV; New York C... Yes 6/11/2020
Liz Levittown, NY Levittown, NY Yes 6/8/2020
Brendan Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY; New York City, NY Yes 6/5/2020
Paul G. Bronx, NY Bronx, NY; Brooklyn, NY; New York City, NY; Queens, NY Yes 5/31/2020
Carol New York City, NY Brooklyn, NY; New York City, NY Yes 4/10/2020
sng89 Kaneohe, HI Anywhere in D.C.; New York City, NY Yes 3/29/2020
Jeff Huntington, NY Anywhere in New York Yes 3/29/2020
Rich Boston, MA Anywhere in Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New York Yes 2/19/2020
mchr0910 New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 1/13/2020
Jeanne Medford, NY Anywhere in the U.S. Yes 12/6/2019
Wasoni R Kim New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 11/28/2019
Jackie New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 10/28/2019
Evelyn Rockville, MD Anywhere in the U.S. Yes 9/25/2019
jo New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 8/27/2019
Steven Washington, DC Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL; Ann Arbor, MI; Holmdel, NJ;... Yes 5/13/2019
Div school grad Boston, MA Anywhere in the U.S. Yes 4/13/2019
Andrea Tampa, FL Tampa, FL Yes 1/11/2019
Gladys New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 11/13/2018
Jerry Schenectady, NY Boca Raton, FL; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Albany, NY; Schenect... Yes 10/7/2018
Steve Mitchell New York City, NY Atlanta, GA; New York City, NY Yes 9/12/2018
Sean Schenectady, NY Albany, NY Yes 9/2/2018
greg New York City, NY New York City, NY Yes 5/14/2018